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Please note, we will only be taking orders via our shopping cart until 31st March 2025, due to a change in the way we work. Until the 31st March you can still place an order via our shopping cart or you can contact us on +44(0)1922625181 or by e-mail: enquiries@penkridgeceramics
Showing all 9 results
A002 Image 1:- RHS Bramley Apple with short stalk – £57.00. Height 8cm. LHS Windfall Bramley Apple with short stalk – £54.00. Height 4.5cm. A002 Image 2:- LHS Bramley Apple with twig and one leaf – £120.00. Height (not including stalk) 8cm. RHS Bramley Apple with twig and three leaves – £198.00. A002 Image3:– Far LHS Bramley…
A003 Image 1:– LHS Cox Apple green Windfall (smaller) – £54.00. Height, 4.5cm RHS Cox Apple green – £57.00. Height, 6.5cm A003 Image 2:– LHS Cox Apple green with twig and two leaves – £159.00 …
A004 Image 1:– LHS Cox Apple yellow Windfall (smaller) – £54.00. Height, 4.5cm. RHS Cox Apple yellow – £57.00. Height, 6.5cm. A004 Image2:– LHS Cox Apple yellow with twig and two leaves – £159.00. RHS Cox Apple yellow with twig and one leaf –…
A005 Image 1:– Granny Smith Apple x 2 with short stalk made from carved basket cane and hand painted – £57.00 each. Height, (not including stalk) 6.5cm. A005 Image2:- Granny Smith Apple with twig and one leaf – £120.00 with sliced Granny Smith Apple – £69.00 A005 Image 3:- Granny Smith Apple with twig and two…
Image 1:- LHS Windfall Golden Delicious Apple – £54.00. Height 4cm. RHS Golden Delicious Apple – £57.00. Height 6.5cm.
A007 Image 1:– LHS Tunley Apple with short stalk – £57.00 each. Height, 6cm. RHS Windfall (smaller) Tunley Apple – £54.00. Height, 4cm. A007 Image2:- Tunley Apple with twig and one leaf – £120.00 A007 Image 3:- LHS Tunley Apple…
A008Y Image 1:- Double yellow Lady Apple with small twig and two leaves – £225.00. Single yellow Lady Apple with wooden hand painted stalk – £54.00. The Cox Apple to the right of this image is shown for scale, it is 6.5cm high. More info: The Lady Apple came originally from the USA. Although small 3cm…
A009 Image 1:– Red Delicious Apple with twig and one leaf – £120.00. Height, 8cm with Red Delicious sliced Apple – £130.00. Height, 6.5cm A009 Image 2:– LHS A009C Crab Apple x 2 – £44.00 each. Height, 3.5cm, Red Delicious Apple Windfall with small twig and one leaf – £102.00. Height, 5cm. RHS Red Delicious Apple with…
Penkridge Ceramics’ success lies in the creation of the ‘real thing’ when it comes to ceramic fruits, vegetables and horsechestnuts.
This stand- alone collection, established in 1984 by MA Ceramics graduates, Lorraine Taylor and Nicky Smart, is now considered the best in it’s field.
All design work, glaze development and production is carried out in the studio in Walsall, in the West Midlands, U.K.
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To place an order please email or call us on + 44(0) 1922 625181.
© 2024 Penkridge Ceramics.